Settings up a local projects folder

Open up a new terminal session and go to where you want your project's folder to be. Then run:
npx init-eeclient -u
Create a folder called EntropyEngineProjects, and attach it to this account
cd EntropyEngineProjects

Create project locally

npm run create your-project-name
Create the actual project folder, and set it up at automatically.
This can also be done by going to 'My Projects'->'New Project',
although you will have to connect to it locally if you want to use an IDE.
cd your-project-name
npm run start
Starts the localhost server. Click the link to take you to your project.

Connect to existing project locally

To link to an existing project after running npx init-eeclient use:
cd EntropyEngineProjects
npm run connect -- -p project-id
You can get the project id from your editor URL, for example would be 12345